Monday, January 22, 2007

Kick me while I am down, asshole.

For anybody who wasn't paying attention over the weekend, Chicago made a resounding statement to the world with it's football team.


By beating the Saints and positioning themselves to go to Super Bowl 41, the Bears have striped the entire gulf-region of one of the few bright spots in their lives. It is fact that had the Saints reached the super bowl, Ne
w Orleans was going to be magically transformed back to it's pre-Katrina state and those funny talking Cajun's wouldn't remember anything about a storm or a flood. But Chicago wanted to torture them.

In addition to destroying Saints fans all over the world, Chicago has also asked the city of New Orleans to refund all Chicagoans donations to the relief effort. This, and they retroactively raised the rent of over 200 displaced gulf coast residences living in the greater Chicago area to fund a new boat for Chicago Mayor Richard Daily.

You stay classy Chicago Bears.

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